Frequently Asked Questions:
1) How is a Registered Dietitian different from a Nutritionist?
A registered dietitian (RD) can call themselves a nutritionist, but a nutritionist can't call themselves a dietitian. The biggest difference is the education a person must obtain to become an RD. A registered dietitian must have a degree in nutrition and dietetics and they must complete a year long internship and national examination before they can call themselves a dietitian. Required classes include biochemistry, microbiology, organic chemistry, counseling, advanced nutrition sciences, and research evaluation. A nutritionist that is not a registered dietitian may have an advanced degree in nutrition, but more commonly this is not the case. Keep in mind that a person can call themselves a nutritionist if they have taken a weekend certification in nutrition, but have never completed any advanced coursework on the topic.
2) What can I expect from the initial consultation?
The initial consultation is a time for you to discuss your history (including sports and/or medical), your reason for setting up the appointment, your goals, concerns, and expectations. This is your time to explain what you are looking for and why you need help with nutrition. Katie may ask you to bring in a food record and may have you fill out additional forms before the appointment. This will help the initial consult go smoothly. It is at this session that Katie will provide options that will work best for you. This may include signing up for monthly support and ongoing coaching, tracking of foods, a meal plan, a nutrition plan for training, or strategies to help get you started on the right path.
3) What will I get after the initial consultation?
You will likely not received all of the information you were looking for from the initial consult. More often this initial consult is the beginning of your nutrition journey. Think of Katie as a coach that is very similar to a coach that you hire to help you with your training. Instead of a training plan, you will get a nutrition plan and Katie will be there to help you along the way. There are many options for ongoing support. This includes meal plans, nutrition plans during racing and training, supplement support, and blood work analysis.
4) Do I have to purchase a package or membership?
If you have ever been to a health practitioner that has pressured you into purchasing a package or membership, you know how uncomfortable this can be. Katie understands this and does not force any of her clients into purchasing a package. Package options are available and encouraged. This is because clients are most successful when they have ongoing support.
5) How do I pay for the session?
Prices are not included on the website because they are going to be different depending on what each person is looking for. Katie is able to work with individuals who are on a tight budget, but keep in mind that the information provided is valuable. Payments can be made via cash, check, Paypal, credit card using s Square account, or via the online client portal called "Get Healthie."
6) I am not sure I want to commit to an initial session yet, is there another option?
You are able to schedule a 30 minute consultation with Katie for $25. This is a good time to see if it is going to be a good fit. Katie will also provide 1-2 personalized nutrition tips to help get your started. To schedule your session go to the services tab and there is a schedule button under initial consult.
7) How do I schedule an initial session or free phone consultation?
Go to the contact tab. Under that tab there is a contact form. Make sure to list your name, email, phone number, and some details about yourself and what you are looking for. Katie will get back to you within 24 hours on weekdays. If you contact Katie on a Friday or during the weekend, she will get back to you the following Monday. You can also schedule online by clicking here.
8) Is this going to be the same old cookie-cutter nutrition information?
No, Katie will stick to the latest research and everything she recommends is evidenced based. With this in mind, everyone has different needs and may react to various nutrition strategies differently. Katie's goals is to figure out what nutrition plan works best for you. Katie wants to know what you have tried in the past, your likes and dislikes, and your work and training schedule. Based on this information the nutrition plan is tailored to work with your life. The goal of the nutrition plan is to be a baseline or starting point. It is important to have continued dialogue and follow up to tweak the plan. This is also an educational process for clients. Katie will explain the reason for every suggestion.
9) How many sessions will I need?
It depends on each individual client and their goal. This is not meant to be something that you will need forever. The end goal is for clients to have a nutrition plan that works for their life, to know the reasoning behind the nutrition plan or strategy, and to be able to make adjustments on their own. A successful client is one that has learned from Katie and is able to take the information and implement it on their own. Some clients come back periodically because they like the accountability and support while others feel confident on their own and no longer need support.