Blood Test
You're putting long hours with training on the road, the trails, the bike, or at the gym. Are you feeling like you are struggling to recover? Maybe you feel fatigued all the time. Or perhaps you are at the top of your game, and you want to continue to optimize your training, nutrition, and recovery. Or maybe you're a CEO, entrepreneur, or hard working individual and you want to find ways to maximize your performance and your productivity.
Blood Testing can help!
All blood testing comes with an analysis of the results and a 30 minute consult with Katie to provide nutrition, training, or supplement recommendations that are personalized based on your results.
Red Blood Cell Panel
Runners are especially prone to experiencing anemia and most commonly iron deficiency anemia. This panel includes ferritin, CBC, and TIBC. You don't have to go to your doctor to see if you are anemic. The best part is that Katie is uniquely qualified to help you with both a nutrition and supplement (if needed) plan to get you back on track.
Female Performance Panel Includes:
Unlike the panel typically ordered annually by your physician or insurance, this includes 45+ Markers to help guide you to feel your best. Whether your goal is to feel better or you're an athlete looking to optimize performance, keeping tabs on these specialty biomarkers will give you the best chance to stay on top of your health.
Complete Blood Count
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
C-reactive protein (HS-CRP) - measuring inflammation
Lipid Panel (cholesterol and triglycerides)
Vitamin D
Male Performance Panel Includes:
Complete Blood Count
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
C-reactive protein (HS- CRP)
Lipid Panel
Vitamin D